Supporting the Health Needs of Local Residents
The Lakewood Ranch Medical Center Foundation works to support the health needs of the Lakewood Ranch area through volunteer activities. This includes fundraising to support scholarships for nursing and health career students and working with designated local charities with similar missions.
Lakewood Ranch Medical Center Nursing Scholarship
The Lakewood Ranch Medical Center Foundation annually awards scholarship aid to students in nursing programs. The Nursing Scholarship Program originated in 2019 when 5 nursing scholarships were awarded. In 2020, 8 awards were given; in 2021, 6 were awarded; in 2022, 8 scholarships were given; in 2023, 10 awards were made; and in 2024, 8 scholarships were given to deserving nursing students at the Foundation's Annual Scholarship Award Luncheon. These scholarships are available to students in college nursing programs at the undergraduate or graduate level who have an existing affiliation with the Lakewood Ranch Medical Center either through a clinical affiliation or employment. To date, 45 scholarships have been awarded valued at over $80,000.
Who can apply?
- Any nursing student who is currently participating in a clinical affiliation at LWRMC and lives in Manatee or Sarasota County.
- Any nurse currently employed by LWRMC who is enrolled in a graduate program leading to a Master of Science Degree in Nursing.
When does the scholarship application need to be submitted?
Interested applicants are encouraged to complete the LWRMC Foundation Nursing Application between February 1 - March 15 of the current year.
For questions, contact LWRMC Foundation President Carole Cowan at
Members of the Lakewood Ranch Foundation

Carole Cowan, President

Bridgett Tackett-Byzewski
Bill Carol
Michael Mullilhan